About us
About ONCG
O5More Than 5 Years’ Experience in Industry
Who we are
ON Consulting Group Ltd “ONCG LTD” is a business consulting firm registered and domiciled in the Republic of Rwanda with principal activities of Business Consulting, Social and Economic Consulting Services, Audit and Assurance Services, Accountancy, Tax, and other management Consultancy services. ONCG Ltd is whole-owned subsidiary of ONCG Global Holdings Ltd, a multidisciplinary consulting group operating across African Continent.
Our Vision
To be the most respected and leading assurance and advisory services provider in the Region. The region means where we operate.
Our Mission
To provide its current and future customers with high quality, innovative assurance and advisory services based on latest professional knowledge and ethical values
Our Core values
Team Work Excellence Sustainability
Team Work Excellence Sustainability
Our Journey at ONCG LTD
With the initiative of Olivier Ntawuyirushintege, the Managing Partner & CEO, ONCG LTD was established in 2017 with its former name ON & Associates Ltd which later changed to ON Consulting Group (ONCG) Ltd. Since its founding in 2017, ONCG LTD worked with a pool of qualified experts and professionals in the industry with the aim of proving the service of the high quality level and based on the latest professional knowledge, this had boosted up its performance in the industry and demonstrated the speedy progress it is making to aid in bringing about positive change. We did this by acting publicly and leading by example for others to follow, we also looked for feedback from all of our stakeholders so that they became a part of our journey. The road map is currently illustrating this.
There is a lot more to do on our updates, as part of our dedication and vision, concentrating on the important issues methodically and with purpose, identifying the risks and possibilities, and helping those who might not have been on the path that produced the actionable insight to see them. We shall do more of the things we have to accomplish.
When we work together to create this good change, our customers, ourselves, and the majority of society all win. This will build confidence and empower change.
Meeting our obligation takes many different forms, including the values we uphold and the caliber of the work we produce in both our professional and personal lives. We sincerely believe that the business community has a chance and a duty to contribute to creating a more sustainable future now more than ever. Because of this, ONCG is hoping to be recognised as the best among the best performers in the field to compile a list of all of our commitments to governance, social responsibility, and the environment.
Operating Divisions

Business consulting services
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Development of policies and procedure manuals
Market research Management advisory
Accounting and tax advisory
Business evaluation Planning and business modeling

Audit and Assurance Services
Statutory Audit Non-Statutory
Audit Project Financial
Forensic audit
Internal audit
Management audit
Operational audit
Compliance audit
Information system audit

Socio-economic consulting
Evaluation of policies
Programs and projects
Socio economic research
Baseline studies Economic forecasting &modelling
Cost benefit analysis
Quantitative data analysis
Services are offered by highly qualified and experienced professionals who are endowed with a high level of understanding of all aspects of business processes both in profit oriented and non-profit oriented organizations including projects and program-based environments. Our offerings are based on current professional updates and latest technological advances.ONCG has secured both licenses and approval of the following regulatory institutions as follows: